1. Unique Id 2. Train Name 3. Train Number 4. Departure State 5. Departure City 6. Departure Station 7. Departure Platform 8. Departure Time 9. Arrival State 10. Arrival City 11. Arrival Station 12. Arrival Platform 13. Arrival Time 14. Creation Date 15. Updation Date
1. Unique Id 2. Train Name 3. Train Number 4. Departure State 5. Departure City 6. Departure Station 7. Departure Platform 8. Departure Time 9. Arrival State 10. Arrival City 11. Arrival Station 12. Arrival Platform 13. Arrival Time 14. Creation Date 15. Updation Date
1 Sealdah Rajdhani 11213 West Bengal Kolkata Sealdah 5c 5:40 PM Delhi New Delhi New Delhi Station 9b 10:30 AM 2019-02-12 17:40:37 2019-02-12 17:40:37
  1. Unique Id as the name suggests must be unique for each row
  2. The above format needs to be followed
  3. Note the gap between two stops and stops time differentiated by a comma(,)
  4. The CSV that you upload should not contain any header
  5. The total number of columns must match the total headings (Total 15 columns)